Dinosaur King
Dinosaur King

Water symbol

Water Dinosaurs (水) are an unusual group, including both the sauropods (all groups: Cetiosauridae, Diplodocoidea, Titanosauria, et al.) and the spinosaurid family of theropods, owing to the groups' past/present associations with (semi-)aquatic environments. These dinosaurs are resistant to Fire Moves but weak to Lightning Moves, and their Move Cards are strong against Fire Dinosaurs and weak against Lightning Dinosaurs. In the anime, Water Dinosaur cards can be activated by contact with any source of water or any liquid containing water.

Their Move Cards involve structures of water being used as weapons, and two of the Moves can also summon marine reptiles to attack the opponent (Futabasaurus and Ophthalmosaurus). Their arcade/DS effects sometimes involve preventing the foe from using its Moves properly (whether by affecting move slots or Technique), and their TCG Abilities involve letting you draw more cards or switch cards in your hand with those on top of your deck.



Dinosaur King Arcade Game - Combat With Water Dinosaurs!

Water Dinosaurs


p · e · t Water Dinosaurs
Normal: Agustinia · Amargasaurus · Ampelosaurus · Baryonyx · Camarasaurus · Cetiosaurus · Dicraeosaurus · Futabasaurus · Gondwanatitan · Irritator · Isisaurus · Jobaria · Nemegtosaurus · Opisthocoelicaudia · Patagosaurus · Saltasaurus · Seismosaurus · Shunosaurus · Spinosaurus · Suchomimus · Titanosaurus
Move Card: Futabasaurus · Ophthalmosaurus
Altered/Armored: Amargasaurus/Alpha · Amargasaurus/Armor · Baryonyx/Armor · Baryonyx/Super · Brontosaurus/Armor · Camarasaurus/Super · Dicraeosaurus/Super · Irritator/Alpha · Isisaurus/Armor · Jobaria/Armor · Nemegtosaurus/Alpha · Opisthocoelicaudia/Super · Shunosaurus/Armor · Spinosaurus/Armor · Spinosaurus/Black · Spinosaurus/Super · Spiny/Armor · Spiny/Super · Suchomimus/Alpha · Titanosaurus/Super
Main: Spiny · Genie

To use, type {{Water Dinosaurs}} at the bottom of the page.

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