Dinosaur King
Dinosaur King

General Statistics[]


full-sized Anhanguera

  • Name: Anhanguera santanae
  • Name Meaning: Old Devil
  • Diet: Piscivore
  • Wingspan: 4.6 meters (15 feet)
  • Time Period: Early Cretaceous (112-92 MYA)
  • Classification: Pterosauria --> Pterodactylomorpha --> Pteranodontia --> Anhangueridae
  • Place Found: Brazil
  • Describer: Wellnhofer, 1985

Dinosaur King Statistics[]

Arcade Stats[]

Anhanguera Dive

Anhanguera Dive arcade card

Anime Stats[]

Anhanguera Dive card

Anhanguera Dive anime card

Assist Moves[]

Anhanguera Dive
Summon Anhanguera to dive-bomb your opponent! Two were summoned when Spiny used it.


Mesozoic Meltdown[]

Anhanguera was first summoned in Ancient Persia during Desert Heat, with Foolscap's Pachyrhinosaurus using Anhanguera Dive to attack and defeat Ace. Then, however, Zoe summoned Paris who used Green Impulse, summoning Tupuxuara, which managed to defeat Anhanguera by dragging him along the ground. His card was reclaimed by (presumably) Zoe.

Later in Renaissance Paris, Ursula had Spiny summon him alongside Tank's Tupuxuara Dive to help save the D-Team after they fell off a collapsing bridge. This time, the move summoned 2 Anhanguera, who saved Max and Rex. They also helped Tupuxuara chase Foolscap away, one of them knocking him into the collapsed bridge's hanging remnants.

Anhanguera would later be seen again with the other dinosaurs in the Backlander's Mesozoic projection in the finale following the Space Pirates' defeat.


  • Dr. Taylor's arcade comments:
    • Original: 上下のクチバシにするどい歯がたくさんならんでいる翼竜(よくりゅう)だ。魚を食べていたらしい。
    • Translation: A pterosaur with many sharp teeth in its beak. It seems to eats fish.
  • It was the fourth pterosaur that appeared in arcade and its Assist Move is the first pterosaur Dive Move.
  • Along with its Assist Move, it is the first Normal Dinosaur available as a Fossil card and is the 14th Fossil card in the arcade.
  • Anhanguera's color (yellow) matches with the sign of its Move Card (yellow) in a similar manner as the pterosaurs in two of the other Dive Moves, Tupuxuara and Tapejara.
  • Foolscap pronounces its name "anne-hann-ge-ra", while Ursula says "ahn-yon-gwe-ra", its 'correct' Portuguese pronunciation, having been found in Brazil.



p · e · t Move Card Dinosaurs
Normal: Anhanguera · Archaeopteryx · Cryolophosaurus · Dromiceiomimus · Gallimimus · Leaellynasaura · Microraptor · Pawpawsaurus · Piatnitzkysaurus · Quetzalcoatlus · Segnosaurus · Stegoceras · Struthiomimus · Tapejara · Troodon · Tupuxuara · Velociraptor
Grass: Minmi · Muraenosaurus · Oviraptor · Pteranodon · Seismosaurus · Supersaurus · Tupuxuara
Water: Futabasaurus · Ophthalmosaurus