Dinosaur King
Dinosaur King

New Cards

  1. Edmontonia dinosaur card
  2. Spectral Armor Edmontonia dinosaur card
  3. Diceratops dinosaur card
  4. Spectral Armor Diceratops dinosaur card
  5. Armoured Tyrannosaurus dinosaur card
  6. Big Rock Roller move card
  7. Ultimate Fire move card


The Pterosaur guides Max and his friends to the Carribean Sea in the year 1718.They encounter Jimmy(who falls in love with Zoe.)The D-Team and Jimmy must find the Blue Cosmos Stone before the Space Pirates and the real pirates do.Rex and Dr. Z activated thier dinos and armored them and they won the battle againts Gavro.Chomp accidentally ripped the map in half,Blackbeard grabbed one with an X on it.Gavro returns to the real pirates with his Diceratops card to find the treasure and the Blue Cosmos Stone.The D-Team and Jimmy were chased by the Big Rolling Rock.


Rex/Dr. Z vs. Gavro

Gavro summons Edmontonia. Rex summons Ace.

Ace attacks Edmontonia and Gavro turns it into Spectral Armor Edmontonia while Rex turns Ace into Armoured Carnotaurus.

Ace knocks Edmontonia back and Gavro summons Diceratops, turning it into Spectral Armor Diceratops. Dr. Z arrives and summons Terry, turning him into Armoured Tyrannosaurus. Terry and Ace attack and send Edmontonia back, then Terry chases after him.

Edmontonia sends Ace into a cliff while Terry battles Diceratops. Edmontonia uses Big Rock Roller, and Terry counters it with Ultimate Fire. The blast defeats Edmontonia. Ace knocks Diceratops on the ground and splits the map in two. Gavro recalls Diceratops, takes the piece of the map and flees.

Rex/Dr. Z Win


  • When Dr. Z activates Ultimate Fire if you look closely, the card he is slashing is a regular dinosaur fire card, this is a result of recycled animation.

